#2 Walk Across California’s First Suspension Bridge

Bidwell Bar Suspension Bridge

In 1856, a suspension bridge was swung across the Feather River at Bidwell Bar, site of the county’s first gold mining community. It’s towers, manufactured in New York and brought around the Horn, the bridge was the first of it’s type in California and was closed to traffic in 1954.

Prior to the construction of Oroville Dam, the bridge was dismantled and relocated in Bidwell Canyon. The first Saturday of every May, the Bidwell Bar Day celebration is held here featuring demonstrations of pioneer crafts, gold panning, food and entertainment. The Toll House Museum there is open on Saturdays during the summer.

South End of Lake Oroville in Bidwell Canyon off Kelly Ridge Road 530-538-2219

Local Business Highlights In Oroville California

Butte Regional Transit B-Line
Carpet Warehouse
Crystal Pharmacy
Best Value Inn
Broken Color
Butte College
Miners Alley
Mugshots Coffee
Office Of Admissions
Gold Country Casino
Great American Pump
Hal Gabrielson Insurance
Holiday Inn Express
Karen Whitlow
Marcozzi Jewelers
Oroville Chamber
Oroville Downtown
Oroville Flea Market
Feather River Kitchen and Gifts
Forever Resorts
Fugate Insurance
Dahlmeier Insurance
Days Inn
DH Synergetch
Dot Com
ERS Total Living Concept
Feather Falls Casino
Oroville Gental Dental
Oroville Hospital
Oroville State Theatre