#34 The Sky’s the Limit

If you think you’ve seen all there is to see in the Oroville area, don’t be too sure unless you’ve seen it all from the sky.

Lake Oroville is great on the ground, but WOW, what a perspective you get when you’re airborne. You’ll also spot the Feather River as it winds its way around the area.

Scenic tours by plane are available at reasonable rates, and it’s a great way to spend an hour or two. Gorgeous!

Table Mountain Aviation operates a glider program offering rides piloted by veteran pilots most Saturdays. The flights take off from Oroville Airport where the glider is pulled aloft by a tow plane to as high as 5,200 feet, released typically over Oroville Dam. From there the glider will seek updrafts known as thermals, staying aloft for approximately 35 minutes or more, providing spectacular views of the lake, surrounding mountains and the valley.

Oroville Municipal Airport
Oro Dam Blvd. West
Two-Three Miles Past the Bridge
Rates/Reservations: (530) 533-1313
Visit Them

Table Mountain Aviation Glider
Rates/Reservations: (530) 519-1400
Visit Them

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